
Hey Katie, I have some questions for you!
1. Do you think that Willy Jack deserved to become a famous singer after what a terrible person he was?
2. Do you think it's fair that Forney has to take care of his sister all the time?
3. If you were Novalee, would you have tracked down Momma Nell to get your money back?
4. How does Lexie overcome her fear of men?
5. Why do you think that Novalee had unprotected sex with Toby even though she was aware of the consequences (ex getting pregnant, and him leaving her)
6. If you were Novalee, would you have gotten angry with Sister after she lost Americus?
7. Do you think that Lexi Coop is a good friend to Novalee?
8.Why does Novalee think sevens are so unlucky?
9. Why do you think that author chose the name "Where the Heart is" for this book?
10. Who is your favourite character in this novel? why?


  1. 1. In my opinion Willy Jack did not deserve to become famous at all! Willy Jack did not deserve his short once if fame for three reasons. Firstly his fame was all fake because of the fact that he stole his 1 hit wonder song from a dead man. The song did not belong to Willy Jack which is why he did not deserve the credit he got for this song. Secondly, Willy Jack left his pregnant girlfriend in a Walmart stranded which in unforgettable. Thirdly, Willy Jack Took advantage of a young girl by the name of by taking all of her money and almost seducing her. Overall Willy Jack is not a good person and does not deserve and remorse from anyone or any fame at all.

  2. #2. I do not think that it is fair that Forney must take care of his sister all of the time. I know that Forney's sister is her family but the amount that he must. Forney did not get the chance to live the life he wanted. He was stuck always taking care of her. It shows what a great person he was. Alcoholism is something something she herself started and continued which caused the severe mental health issues. Forney should not have to pay for the mistakes his sister made.

  3. #3 If i were Novalee considering the fact that since Mamma Nell stole all of her money, not only did she have no where to go, but she had a new born baby. It would be too difficult and expensive for Novalee.No, I would not track Mamma Nell down but I would NEVER have contact with her ever again. It would have been a mistake that I would have had to live with and move on.

  4. #5 I believe Novalee had unprotected sex with Toby because she honestly didn't really care about the consequences. She never used protection with Willy Jack and her mom never tought her the inmortance of using protection. This is an important step in a teenagers life which Novalee's mother never took time to teach her. I think that Novalee just goes with the flow. If she would have gotten pregnant she would have supported the child and been okay. That is just the way Novalee lives.

  5. #6 If I were Novalee I would not have gotten mad at Sister for loosing Americus. It was not Sister's fault that Americus was kidnapped. The same thing would have happened if Novalee was home with Americus because the couple seemed very nice and not suspicious. If I were Novalee I would have done the same thing and just worried about finding Americus instead of being upset of things that already happened.

  6. #7 In my opinion Lexie Coop is a great friend to Novalee. Lexie is always there to give Novalee advice like to pursue her photography career. Lexie is always there to be a friend for Novalee to lean on when bad things happen such as Americus getting kidnapped. Lexie is a kind outgoing person who is great for Novalee to have in her life.

  7. Replies
    1. #8 Novalee thinks sevens are so unlucky because her mom ran off with a base ball umpire on Novalee's seventh birthday. Novalee has never seen her mom since then. Novalee has had many other situations where her life has been in danger and made her believe that sevens were unlucky. Novalee knew as soon as the clerk gave her 7.77$, that Willy Jack was gone because of the sevens.

  8. #9 I believe that the author chose the Title Where The Heart is because throughout the book Novalee is constantly searching for where the heart is. Then she finally realized that where the heart is, is where your home and family are. Novalee never had the experience of having a loving home and family because her house was on wheels and her family did not care for her. Novalee realized that once she figured out where the heart is she was the most happy she has ever been in her entire life.

  9. #10 My favorite character is Novalee Nation because I admire her strength. Novalee went from having absolutely nothing...no money, no education and no family to having all three. Not once did Novalee ever freak out or get worried about what she was going to do. She always stayed calm and strong. Novalee did nothing but great things for her daughter and was able to provide for Americus. Overall Novalee is a great character and I admire her very much.

  10. #4 Lexie overcame her terrible fear of men by taking her time in getting to know them. Her previous boyfriend she met and their relationship started moving quickly. Lexie never throught anything of it and just put herself out there. If Lexie had taken time to get to know him bettter maybe her children would not have gotten molested. From then on Lexie was very careful not to get close with any other men. In order for her to overcome her fear she just took her relationship very slow. This worked out and she found the perfect guy for her family.
